Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Back in the Groove

Ok, now that we are a few weeks into the new school year things are starting to run a tad more smoothly around here.  The getting up part seems easy enough for the boys, it's always the after school homework, sports and bedtime routine that seems to be awry for a while.  That, thankfully, is grooving again.

Kid Updates:

Jeromy seems to really like Kindergarten but has become a lot more "scared" of new things, unlike in the past where he has been a lot more outgoing.  Taking hot lunch for instance.  He said he's scared to take hot lunch because of the possibility of not being able to eat it all.   He can't throw it away, that would be wasting a perfectly good apple, milk, etc.   Seems like a trivial thing to worry about to an adult...but in the eyes of a 5 year old it is traumatizing!   He's always been taught at home to not waste food, now at school he's expected to throw it away?  Not conceivable to him at this point.  So we pack a cold lunch every day...which is fine with me, at least I can see that he is eating.

Hunter is just starting to be hit with the big load of homework now...which is to be expected in 8th grade and a couple of weeks into the school year.  Unfortunately with playing baseball 2 nights a week some nights he's rushing to get it done.  Tonight he asked me to type up his paper on Edgar Allen Poe.  I caved and did it...he reminded me that I had typed a paper for Nathan some time ago.  How come these kids have to remember EVERYTHING???

Nathan is groovin' along in Minnesota.  He even went out on his first grocery shopping excursion to replenish the cupboards of his apartment.  Spent a whopping $50.  He didn't mention what grocery store he went to...hoping it wasn't the local conveniance store where milk is like $5 a gallon.  I tried to show him how to stretch the food budget, but boys don't always remember those king of things...they just see something they want, and buy it.

Brit was home this past weekend to work and spend time with the girls.  She's now thinking of going abroad for her last semester.  That's a scary thought...do I really want her out of the country for months on end?  I'm still pondering the thought.  Maybe once she goes in for her next MRI and the neurosurgeon tells me all is OK will be a little more supportive about heading overseas.  Maybe.  :D

That's all folks! ~Char

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