Sunday, September 19, 2010

I admit that I am a hater...of more than a few things.

Okay I know it is wrong to hate, but there are just a few things I absolutely HATE

1.  Snakes 
Want to see me run faster than the fastest Olympic runner?  Surprise me with one of what I consider nastiest creatures on earth.  I have been known to run like the wind, run into the house, run up the stairs and run into the bedroom and lock the door...and STILL think they might be after me.  Ok, you know my weakness.   I wouldn't try scaring me with one though, I have also been known to punch first, then run.  :)

2.  Liver and Onions 
Just thinking about it makes me want to "toss my cookies."  Yes, I was forced to eat it as a child.  I covered it in ketchup so I could choke it down or if the opportunity arose I wold feed it to the dog under the table when I thought noone was looking.  Hiding it in the napkin was NOT an option at our house.  My parents adored Liver and Onions and my sister and I suffered through "Liver Night" every single time.  It is absolutely one of the worst "meat products" on earth.

3. People in my face
You know the type...the person who is three inches from you when they are talking to you??  So close you can smell their nasty coffee breath and see their nose hairs???? Back off buddy and get the heck out of my personal space!

4.  Tuna
Another top contender for the "toss my cookies" list.  I can't stand the smell nor the flavor/texture of tuna...or pretty much any fish.  Unfortunately the entire family but myself adores Tuna.  When it's Tuna sandwich day around here, you will find me outside breathing deeply and trying to talk myself out of that gag reflex. 

5.  Abuse
In any way, shape or form..enough said.

6.  Political Throat Jamming
If you already know I'm against your Political views don't push it, because you will NOT like the prepared for bodily injury if you push me to far.

That's it for the Hate list for now...more to come, along with the Love and Pet Peeves list too!!!


Unknown said...

I'd have to agree with all but #2. I love liver and onions!!!! I'd have to put liars in that spot. ;)

Nikolai Nuthouse said...

True...but I can't Hate Liars...everyone lies in one way, shape or form sometime in their life...and I don't HATE everyone. :D

Unknown said...

ha ha!! So true.. ok how about fake 2 faced people.... ;)

Lisa Walls said...

Thank God you and I agree on politics!!!!