Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Facts of Life--- A Man's "Role"

Guys, there are so many things that are counter intuitive when it comes to the signals that a woman gives versus what they want, or what you think is the right thing to do versus what the actual right thing to do is. Listed below are a few obvious points, take it or leave it, but you should at least read it once.

When she walks away mad, she isn't looking for space, she wants you to follow. I know, it doesn't make sense, but trust me, that's what she wants.

If she isn't saying anything, ask her what's wrong, and here is the important part, after you ask her, you are now done needing your mouth, just shut up and use your ears the rest of the time.

When she tries to hit you and pushes you acting playfully like she can take you, she wants you to hold her.

Hold doors, pull out chairs, stand up when she arrives and every time she gets up..it's just what you do for a lady, and something you should pass on to your sons too.

You will most likely not remember the most important things she will never forget.

She wants to hear about it, but don't tell her about something you aren't going to do. Nut up or Shut up.

She likes poetry, especially if you write it just for her. Stay away from rhyming words like truck and clock.

She may love you through it all, but she doesn't like excuses, over deliver, she's happy, you're happy.

When she is yelling at you and calling you names, look her in the eyes, tell her you love her, and kiss her like you might never get to again. If she goes back to yelling, you need to brush your teeth more often and work on your kissing.

If she doesn't like something you love, ask questions. But don't use those questions to try and change her mind, use those questions to understand why she feels the way she does. Don't worry, in almost all cases if you just listen and let her know you understand, she will end up liking you enough to like what you like.

When you see her at her worst, let her know she is beautiful. Done sincerely you will win her heart, done sarcastically..well,talk to the hand, no not hers, yours...the one that will act as your girlfriend for at least a week for being an idiot.

When she spends time getting dressed up, be sure you spend time noticing and letting her know how stunning she truly is.

Encourage and support her friendships and her individualism. I know you worry that this beauty you don't think you even deserve will meet someone else during "Girls Night Out". Just know if you sincerely tell her to have a good time without any guilt she is going to miss you when she's out, if you're an ass about it, she will be looking for someone better...and rightfully so.

Sing to her, no matter how bad it sounds, sing her your song.

Don't let a month go by that you don't surprise her with something that is special and meaningful. Not a vacuum or a tool belt, lingerie is great, but not every time, flowers should be a part of the weekly routine anyway, be creative, she will notice and appreciate it in ways you won't understand.

Date night is important, don't be the guy the always gets his hunting, card playing,  drinking with the buddies and fishing in, but never takes the misses out. It just doesn't pay.

If you see she is scared, as silly as it may be to you, don't laugh or make fun of her, just make her feel safe, it is the difference between what a boy would do and what a man does.

Get a calendar, know when that time is coming, know when it is upon you, know how to act accordingly during said times.

If you see her crying, don't speak, just hold her and listen. You might be able to fix a car or program a DVR, but you are not equipped to talk her through something she just needs to cry out. Again, shut up and just listen, it works.

Whatever clothes she takes of yours, let her keep. This means she wants to be close to you when you're not there. Don't wear her clothes though, that's just weird.

When she doubts you, don't argue with her...ever. You will never get out alive.

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