Saturday, April 16, 2011

FREE House Payments from

Adzookie Paint House FREE Mortgage Payments If You Turn Your Home Into A Billboard

With the economy the way it is right now many individuals may actually take advantage of this to further stretch their budgets...would you??

Adzookie is looking for houses to paint. In fact, paint is an understatement. Adzookie is looking for homes to turn into billboards. In exchange, they will pay your mortgage every month for as long as your house remains painted.
Here are a few things they are looking for. You must own your home. It cannot be rented or leased. They will paint the entire outside of the house, minus the roof, the windows and any awnings. Painting will take approximately 3 – 5 days. Your house must remain painted for at least three months and may be extended up to a year. If, for any reason, you decide to cancel after three months or if they cancel the agreement with you, they will repaint your house back to the original colors.

Get FREE Mortgage Payments If You Turn Your Home Into A Billboard.

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