Friday, July 15, 2011

Purex: Possibly Win A $50 Gift Card a day finding Purex Crystals

While you are out shopping keep your eyes open for Purex Crystals

Find Purex Crystals Softener and earn a chance to win prizes! Using their new mobile website, you can locate the closest store to you that carries Purex Crystals—as well as how many are in stock.
To win potential prizes…just make updates on

Here is how it works:Find Crystals
1. When you are in any retail store that sells Purex Crystals Softener, visit on your smart phone.

2. This mobile ready site will ask permission to use your location and try to determine which store you are in.

3. Select the store from the list

4. Enter how many Crystals products you see on the shelf. That’s it!
Every time you update the inventory at a store, regardless if you buy Purex Crystals Softener or not, we’ll enter you for a chance to win.

Each day they will give away a $50 gift card. In addition, every update qualifies you for a chance to win the Grand Prize: $1,000 and a year supply of Purex Crystals Softener!

Don't have a cell phone with internet capabilities?   No worries, you can still participate!!

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